
Traditional ingredients like hand-pounded rice, cold-pressed cooking oils, and pulses are returning to our kitchens. But what about desi ghee? Desi ghee, made from pure cow’s milk through traditional methods, is distinct from regular ghee. It’s produced by churning buttermilk and heating butter at the right temperature, giving it a rich flavor.

Desi ghee, also known as clarified butter, holds a special place in Indian culture. It’s been part of our heritage for generations, used in rituals, Ayurvedic medicine, and everyday cooking. The word “ghee” comes from the Sanskrit word meaning “sprinkle,” and it’s known as “Neyyi” in some parts of Southern India.

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Ghee isn’t just a cooking ingredient but it’s deeply mixed with our traditions, from Vedic rituals to everyday meals. Its golden color and rich aroma have made it a staple in cuisines across India and beyond.

The Role of Desi Ghee in Indian Cuisine

Desi ghee is a staple ingredient in Indian cuisine, cherished for its rich flavor and versatility. South Indians savor dishes like crispy dosas and fluffy idlis dipped in freshly made ghee. At the same time, North Indians enjoy Puran Poli, parathas, and biriyani with generous dollops of this golden wonder. In many households, serving food with melted ghee symbolizes love and tradition, with mothers and grandmothers often insisting on its inclusion in meals.

Despite facing criticism in recent years for its perceived health risks, desi ghee is experiencing a resurgence in popularity, thanks to the efforts of celebrities and nutrition experts. Once labeled as unhealthy and fattening, it is now being hailed as a superfood. To lose weight, contact Prakruti Nutrition, the best dietician in Pune for weight loss.

Understanding the Nutritional Value of Ghee

Ghee, a calorie-packed food, offers a hefty energy boost. For instance, a 100 ml serving of ghee provides around 883 calories.

It’s important to note that ghee is primarily fat, with negligible amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, sugar, or fiber. 100 ml of ghee contains nearly 99.8 grams of fat, most saturated fat. Additionally, it includes cholesterol.

When sourced from grass-fed cows, ghee becomes a good source of essential vitamins such as A, E, and K. It also contains beneficial compounds like butyric acid.

Homemade Ghee Recipe

  • Begin with about 2 cups of heavy cream. Add roughly one tablespoon of curd and let it sit out for 7 to 8 hours.
  • After this time, refrigerate the cream for 5 to 6 hours.
  • Once chilled, blend the cream with cold water in a food processor until butter separates, leaving behind buttermilk. This buttermilk can be used for various purposes.
  • Collect the butter and wash it well two or three times.
  • Heat the butter in a pan. As it starts to boil, stir occasionally. The liquid will reduce, and milk solids will settle at the bottom.
  • The golden yellow liquid left is your ghee. Let it cool, then strain to remove any remaining milk solids.
  • Store your homemade ghee in a sealed container for future use. 

15 Amazing Benefits of Ghee 

  • Healthy Fats: Ghee has good fats that can boost good cholesterol and won’t harm your heart.
  • Digestive Aid: Taking ghee before meals can help your gut stay healthy and reduce the risk of ulcers and cancer.
  • Immune Boost: Ghee contains Butyric Acid, which helps produce disease-fighting cells in your body.
  • Vitamin Source: It provides essential vitamins A and E, which are crucial for liver health, balanced hormones, and fertility.
  • Anti-inflammatory and Anti-cancer: Ghee’s butyric acid and antioxidants help fight inflammation and may lower cancer risk.
  • Lactose Intolerance: It’s safe for those who are lactose intolerant since it’s dairy-free.
  • Burn Treatment: Ghee is gentle on the skin and can help treat burns.
  • Healthy Skin: With its antioxidants and fatty acids, ghee can improve skin health, lock in moisture, and heal cracks.
  • Hair Health: Ghee’s vitamin E can improve hair thickness and soothe dry, itchy scalps.
  • Bone Strength: Rich in Vitamin K, ghee aids in calcium absorption, preventing tooth decay and bone issues.
  • Thyroid Support: Balancing hormones ghee may help with thyroid problems.
  • Weight Management: Ghee can boost metabolism and aid in weight loss by burning excess fats.
  • High Smoke Point: It’s stable at high temperatures, preventing the formation of harmful free radicals.
  • Menstrual Relief: Ghee’s hormone-balancing properties can ease PMS and irregular periods.
  • Appetite Booster: It increases appetite in kids and adults, making it a great meal addition.


Desi ghee holds many advantages in Indian cuisine and culture. It’s more than just a cooking ingredient; it symbolizes tradition and love in our meals. Despite past concerns, desi ghee is now recognized for its nutritional benefits, including healthy fats and essential vitamins. With the guidance of an online nutritionist dietitian in Pune like Prakruti Nutrition, you can add desi ghee into your diet wisely, with its many benefits while enjoying delicious and wholesome meals.

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